jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012

Los neandertales, víctimas de un genocidio provocado por el 'Homo sapiens'

El mecanismo de la extinción de los neandertales es un tema polémico de gran interés entre la comunidad científica. Ahora, dos investigadores del Instituto Catalán de Paleoecología Humana y Evolución Social (IPHES), Bienvenido Martínez-Navarro (paleontólogo) y Policarp Hortalà (biólogo), aportan una nueva hipótesis, con datos ecológicos y etológicos, según la cual los Homo neanderthalensis habrían sido, muy probablemente, víctimas de un genocidio provocado por Homo sapiens.
Los autores consideran que los neandertales habrían sido una presa más en la cacería de los miembros de nuestra especie, matando para consumir, o bien, para acabar con la competencia. Desde un punto de vista más ecológico, con los neandertales habría pasado lo mismo que con la megafauna del Cuaternario (mamuts, rinocerontes lanudos, megaterios sudamericanos, etc.), que desapareció por la presión de los Homo sapiens. Así lo recoge la prestigiosa revista Quaternary International en un artículo reciente que firman Bienvenido Martínez-Navarro y Policarp Hortalà del IPHES.

Estrategia de competencia

Para los autores, y desde el punto de vista de la estrategia de competencia ecológica de los consumidores de carne, "cualquier muerte del competidor o su depredación, sea con el consumo de la misma o no, tiene dos ventajas: primera, a menos competidores, más presas disponibles, y segunda, a más presas disponibles (incluyendo en esta categoría otros consumidores de carne, como los neandertales), menos competidores", explica Hortolà.
"Esta estrategia no es un comportamiento humano distintivo, sino que está generalizada entre los mamíferos carnívoros, cuando dos especies se superponen", observa el mismo investigador. "Somos una especie única, pero de ninguna manera una especie separada del mundo natural", complementa Martínez-Navarro.
La competencia entre los humanos anatómicamente modernos y los neandertales no ha sido demostrada. Sin embargo, "la expansión geográfica del Homo sapiens -indica Bienvenido Martínez-Navarro - parece haber conducido a una rivalidad directa que llevó a la extinción neandertal".

La rápida dispersión de los humanos modernos

En este sentido, el registro paleontológico y los datos cronométricos obtenidos en la Grotta del Cavallo (sur de Italia) confirman una rápida dispersión de los humanos modernos a través de Europa antes de la desaparición de Homo neanderthalensis. "Un ejemplo de posible competencia por los recursos entre neandertales y sapiens se encuentra en el área limitada que comprende el abrigo neandertal de Mezzena Riparo i la Grotta di Fumane proto-aurinyaciana (norte de Italia)", añade el mencionado paleontólogo.
En el estudio se indica que muy posiblemente los neandertales se extinguieron por las mismas causas que la megafauna, ya que estas especies tienen una muy baja tasa de reproducción y, sometidas a la presión cinegética de un supercazador foráneo con tecnología avanzada como era el Homo sapiens, se iban extinguiendo gradualmente.
Además, hay que tener en cuenta que la tasa de reproducción de Homo neanderthalensis era muy baja, como en todas las especies de homínidos y como en la megafauna. "Por eso, en competencia con Homo sapiens, estaba condenado al ocaso", subraya Martínez-Navarro.
Así, los neandertales fueron parte de los grandes mamíferos potencialmente perseguidos como presas para nuestra especie, del mismo modo que, históricamente, aún lo son los orangutanes, los gorilas y los chimpancés, todos ellos miembros de nuestra propia familia taxonómica. "Lo más posible es que el mismo fenómeno sucediera cada vez que una especie del género Homo tecnológicamente más evolucionada se superpuso a otra tecnológicamente menos avanzada, como el Homo erectus o el Homo floresiensis", indica Hortolà.
Ambos admiten que aunque en la etapa actual de conocimiento del registro arqueológico, el principal supuesto de esta investigación sólo puede ser considerado como una hipótesis de trabajo, "lo que da sentido a la explicación sugerida (el genocidio neandertal debido a la matanza y depredación como parte habitual de la estrategia de la competencia de los sapiens) es consecuencia de nuestro secular comportamiento como primate carnívoro territorial y social".

Nuevos datos sobre la evolución humana gracias a unos fósiles en Kenia

Una serie de nuevos fósiles, descubiertos al este del lago Turkana, en Kenia, confirman la existencia de dos especies adicionales del género 'homo', que convivieron junto al ancestro directo humano, el Homo erectus, hace casi dos millones de años. El estudio, publicado en 'Nature', analizó los fósiles de una cara, una mandíbula inferior muy completa y la parte de una mandíbula inferior, descubiertos entre 2007 y 2009 por el Proyecto de Investigación Koobi Fora (KFRP).
Hace cuatro décadas, el KFRP descubrió un fósil enigmático conocido como KNM-ER 1470 (o '1470'). Este cráneo, que se distingue fácilmente por su gran tamaño y por una cara larga y plana, inició un largo debate sobre cuántas especies diferentes convivieron con el Homo erectus durante el Pleistoceno. La inusual morfología de '1470' fue atribuida, por algunos científicos, a las diferencias sexuales y grados naturales de variación dentro de una sola especie, mientras que otros interpretaron el fósil como evidencia de una especie separada.
Este dilema de décadas de antigüedad no se ha resuelto por dos razones. En primer lugar, las comparaciones con otros fósiles han sido limitadas, debido al hecho de que los restos de '1470' no incluyen dientes o una mandíbula inferior. En segundo lugar, no existían otros cráneos fósiles con una cara plana y larga, como la reflejada en '1470', poniendo en duda lo representativo de estas características. Ahora, los nuevos fósiles abordan ambas cuestiones.
"Durante los últimos 40 años hemos buscado, en la vasta extensión de sedimentos alrededor del lago Turkana, fósiles que confirmen las características únicas de la cara de '1470'", señala Meave Leakey, del KFRP y el National Geographic, quien añade que ahora, "por fin, tenemos algunas respuestas".
"La combinación de los tres nuevos fósiles dan una imagen mucho más clara del físico de '1470'", afirma Fred Spoor, quien dirigió los análisis científicos. El experto agrega que, "como resultado, ahora está claro que otras dos especies de Homo vivieron junto al Homo erectus. Los nuevos fósiles serán de gran ayuda para desentrañar cómo surgió nuestra rama de la evolución humana, por primera vez, hace casi dos millones de años".
Encontrados dentro de un radio de poco más de 10 km desde la ubicación de '1470', los tres nuevos fósiles datan de entre 1,78 millones y 1,95 millones de años. La cara de KNM-ER 62000, descubierto por el equipo de Elgite Lokorimudang, miembro del proyecto en 2008, es muy similar a la de '1470'. Por otra parte, la mandíbula superior tiene casi todos sus dientes todavía en su lugar, lo que ha hecho posible deducir el tipo de mandíbula inferior que se hubiera ajustado a '1470'.

domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

Evolution: A Game of Chance | Observations

We view this as the natural progression of life. Truth is, there was no guarantee that some big brained primates in Africa would end up like we are now. It wasn’t inevitable that we grew taller, less hairy, and smarter than our relatives. And it certainly wasn’t guaranteed that single celled bacteria-like critters ended up joining forces into multicellular organisms, eventually leading to big brained primates!
Evolution isn’t predictable, and randomness is key in determining how things change. But that’s not the same as saying life evolves by chance. That’s because while the cause of evolution is random (mutations in our genes) the processes of evolution (selection) is not. It’s kind of like playing poker – the hand you receive is random, but the odds of you winning with it aren’t. And like poker, it’s about much more than just what you’re dealt. Outside factors – your friend’s ability to bluff you in your poker game, or changing environmental conditions in the game of life – also come into play. So while evolution isn’t random, it is a game of chance, and given how many species go extinct, it’s one where the house almost always wins.
Of course chance is important in evolution. Evolution occurs because nothing is perfect, not even the enzymes which replicate our DNA. All cells proliferate and divide, and to do so, they have to duplicate their genetic information each time. The enzymes which do this do their best to proof-read and ensure that they’re faithful to the original code, but they make mistakes. They put in a guanine instead of an adenine or a thymine, and suddenly, the gene is changed. Most of these changes are silent, and don’t affect the final protein that each gene encodes. But every once in awhile these changes have a bigger impact, subbing in different amino acids whose chemical properties alter the protein (usually for the worse, but not always).Or our cells make bigger mistakes – extra copies of entire genes or chromosomes, etc.
These genetic changes don’t anticipate an individual’s needs in any way. Giraffes didn’t “evolve” longer necks because they wanted to reach higher leaves. We didn’t “evolve” bigger brains to be better problem solvers, social creatures, or hunters. The changes themselves are random*. The mechanisms which influence their frequency in a population, however, aren’t. When a change allows you (a mutated animal) to survive and reproduce more than your peers, it’s likely to stay and spread through the population. This is selection, the mechanism that drives evolution. This can mean either natural selection (because it makes you run faster or do something to survive in your environment) or sexual selection (because even if it makes you less likely to survive, the chicks dig it). Either way the selection isn’t random: there’s a reason you got busier than your best friend and produced more offspring. But the mutation occurring in the first place – now that was luck of the draw.
Mistakes made by genetic machinery can lead to huge differences in organisms. Take flowering plants, for example. Flowering plants have a single gene that makes male and female parts of the flower. But in many species, this gene was accidentally duplicated about 120 million years ago. This gene has mutated and undergone selection, and has ended up modified in different species in very different ways. In rockcress (Arabidopsis), the extra copy now causes seed pods to shatter open. But it’s in snap dragons that we see how the smallest changes can have huge consequences. They, too, have two copies of the gene to make reproductive organs. But in these flowers, each copy fairly exclusively makes either male or female parts. This kind of male/female separation is the first step towards the sexes split into individual organisms, like we do. Why? It turns out that mutations causing the addition of a single amino acid in the final protein makes it so that one copy of the gene can only make male bits. That’s it. A single amino acid makes a gene male-only instead of both male and female.
Or, take something as specialized as flight. We like to think that flight evolved because some animals realized (in some sense of the word) the incredible advantage it would be to take to the air. But when you look at the evolution of flight, instead, it seems it evolved, in a sense, by accident. Take the masters of flight – birds – for example.
There are a few key alterations to bird bodies that make it so they can fly. The most obvious, of course, are their feathers. While feathers appear to be so ideally designed for flight, we are able to look back and realize that feathers didn’t start out that way. Through amazing fossil finds, we’re able to glimpse at how feathers arose, and it’s clear that at first, they were used for anything but airborne travel. These protofeathers were little more than hollow filaments, perhaps more akin to hairs, that may have been used in a similar fashion. More mutations occurred, and these filaments began to branch, join together. Indeed, as we might expect for a structure that is undergoing selection and change, there are dinosaurs with feather-like coverings of all kinds, showing that there was a lot of genetic experimentation and variety when it came to early feathers. Not all of these protofeathers were selected for, though, and in the end only one of these many forms ended up looking like the modern feather, thus giving a unique group of animals the chance to fly.
There’s a lot of variety in what scientists think these early feathers were used for, too. Modern birds use feathers for a variety of functions, including mate selection, thermoregulation and camouflage, all of which have been implicated in the evolution of feathers. There was no plan from the beginning, nor did feathers arise overnight to suddenly allow dinosaurs to fly. Instead, accumulations of mutations led to a structure that happened to give birds the chance to take to the air, even though that wasn’t its original use.
The same is true for flying insects. Back in the 19th century, when evolution was fledging as a science, St. George Jackson Mivart asked “What use is half a wing?” At the time he intended to humiliate the idea that wings could have developed without a creator. But studies on insects have shown that half a wing is actually quite useful, particularly for aquatic insects like stoneflies (close relatives of mayflies). Scientists experimentally chopped down the wings of stoneflies to see what happened, and it turned out that though they couldn’t fly, they could sail across the water much more quickly while using less energy to do so. Indeed, early insect wings may have functioned in gliding, only later allowing the creatures to take to the air. Birds can use half a wing, too – undeveloped wings help chicks run up steeper hills – so half a wing is quite a useful thing.
But what’s really key is that if you rewound time and took one of the ancestors of modern birds, a dino with proto-feathers, or a half-winged insect and placed it in the same environment with the same ecological pressures, its decedents wouldn’t necessarily fly.
That’s because if you do replay evolution, you never know what will happen. Recently, scientists have shown this experimentally in the lab with E. coli bacteria. They took a strain of E. coli and separated it into 12 identical petri dishes containing a novel food source that the bacteria could not digest, thus starting with 12 identical colonies in an environment with strong selective pressure. They grew them for some 50,000 generations. Every 500 generations, they froze some of the bacteria. Some 31,500 generations later, one of the twelve colonies developed the ability to feed off of the new nutrient, showing that despite the fact that all of them started the same, were maintained in the same conditions and exposed to the exact same pressures, developing the ability to metabolize the new nutrient was not a guarantee. But even more shocking was that when they replayed that colony’s history, they found that it didn’t always develop the ability, either. In fact, when replayed anywhere from the first to the 19,999th generation, no luck. Some change occurring in the 20,000 generation or so – a good 11,500 generations before they were able to metabolize the new nutrient – had to be in place for the colony to gain its advantageous ability later on.
There’s two reasons for this. The first is that the mutations themselves are random, and the odds of the same mutations occurring in the same order are slim. But there’s another reason we can’t predict evolution: genetic alterations don’t have to be ‘good’ (from a selection standpoint) to stick around, because selection isn’t the only evolutionary mechanism in play. Yes, selection is a big one, but there can be changes in the frequency of a given mutation in a population without selection, too. Genetic drift occurs when events change the gene frequencies in a population for no reason whatsoever. A massive hurricane just happens to wipe out the vast majority of a kind of lizard, for example, leaving the one weird colored male to mate with all the girls. Later, that color may end up being a good thing and allowing the lizards to blend in a new habitat, or it may make them more vulnerable to predators. Genetic drift doesn’t care one bit.
Every mutation is a gamble. Even the smallest mutations – a change of a single nucleotide, called a point mutation – matter. They can lead to terrible diseases in people like sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis. Of course, point mutations also lead to antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
What does the role of chance mean for our species? Well, it has to do with how well we can adapt to the changing world. Since we can’t force our bodies to mutate beneficial adaptations (no matter what Marvel tells you), we rely on chance to help our species continue to evolve. And believe me, we as a species need to continue to evolve. Our bodies store fat because in the past, food was sporadic, and storing fat was the best solution to surviving periods of starvation. But now that trait has led to an epidemic of obesity, and related diseases like diabetes. As diseases evolve, too, our treatments fail, leaving us vulnerable to mass casualties on the scale of the bubonic plague. We may very well be on the cusp of the end of the age of man, if random mutations can’t solve the problems presented by our rapidly changing environment. What is the likelihood that man will continue to dominate, proliferate, and stick around when other species go extinct? Well, like any game of chance, you have to look at the odds:
99.99% of all the species that have ever existed are now extinct.
But then again – maybe our species is feeling lucky.
* If you want to get into more detail, actually, mutations aren’t completely random. They, too, are governed by natural laws – our machinery is more likely to sub an adenine for a guanine than for a thymine, for example. Certain sections are more likely to be invaded by transposons… etc. But from the viewpoint of selection, these changes are random – as in, a mutation’s potential selective advantage or disadvantage has no effect on how likely it is to occur.
Originally posted Nov 1st, 2010.
Airoldi, C., Bergonzi, S., & Davies, B. (2010). Single amino acid change alters the ability to specify male or female organ identity Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1009050107

Perrichot, V., Marion, L., Neraudeau, D., Vullo, R., & Tafforeau, P. (2008). The early evolution of feathers: fossil evidence from Cretaceous amber of France Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 275 (1639), 1197-1202 DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2008.0003
Marden, J., & Kramer, M. (1994). Surface-Skimming Stoneflies: A Possible Intermediate Stage in Insect Flight Evolution Science, 266 (5184), 427-430 DOI: 10.1126/science.266.5184.427
DIAL, K., RANDALL, R., & DIAL, T. (2006). What Use Is Half a Wing in the Ecology and Evolution of Birds? BioScience, 56 (5) DOI: 10.1641/0006-3568(2006)056[0437:WUIHAW]2.0.CO;2
Blount, Z., Borland, C., & Lenski, R. (2008). Inaugural Article: Historical contingency and the evolution of a key innovation in an experimental population of Escherichia coli Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105 (23), 7899-7906 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0803151105

High Trans-Fat Diet Predicts Aggression People who eat more hydrogenated oils are more aggressive

If you want to keep your cool, you might want to pass up those greasy wings and gooey dessert. A new study from the University of California, San Diego, suggests that people whose diets are higher in trans fats are more prone to aggression.
Trans fats, or hydrogenated oils, have made the news in recent years because studies have strongly linked them to heart disease and cancer, and some locales have passed laws restricting their use. They are still common, however, in restaurant food and many grocery items.
Beatrice Golomb, a physician and associate professor of medicine at U.C. San Diego, wondered if trans fats might affect behavior, after noting how they interact with a type of healthy fat. Past studies found that docosahexaenoic acid—or DHA, a long-chain omega-3 fatty acid—has a calming, antidepressant effect. Trans fats disrupt the chemical process that leads to the conversion of fatty acids into DHA, which led Golomb to suspect that trans fats might be linked to aggression.
Her study, which was published in March in PLoS ONE, involved 1,018 men and women older than 20 who filled out a food questionnaire and several other surveys that measure impatience, irritability and aggression. Even after considering other influences, Golomb's team found a strong link between the intake of trans fats and aggression. “Trans-fatty acids were a more consistent predictor of aggression than some traditional risk factors such as age, male sex, education and smoking,” Golomb says. The findings were consistent across both sexes and across all ages, ethnicities and socioeconomic groups.
Although the correlation was strong, the study does not prove that trans fats are causing the aggressive behavior. It is possible that naturally aggressive people tend to eat less healthy food. Or perhaps other ingredients found in processed foods, such as added sugars, are the real culprit. “We like to think we're in charge of our behaviors, but in fact there are many factors that influence us, food being one of them,” Golomb says.

Evolution: Out Of The Sea

Science Sushi

July 28, 2012 |

Thursday 26th July saw the launch of SciLogs.com, a new English language science blog network. SciLogs.com, the brand-new home for Nature Network bloggers, forms part of the SciLogs international collection of blogs which already exist in GermanSpanish and Dutch. To celebrate this addition to the NPG science blogging family, some of the NPG blogs are publishing posts focusing on “Beginnings”.
Participating in this cross-network blogging festival is nature.com’s Soapbox Science blogScitable’s Student Voices blog and bloggers from SciLogs.com, SciLogs.deScitable and Scientific American’s Blog Network. Join us as we explore the diverse interpretations of beginnings – from scientific examples such as stem cells to first time experiences such as publishing your first paper. You can also follow and contribute to the conversations on social media by using the #BeginScights hashtag. – Bora
In the beginning, the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep, as a giant cloud of gas and dust collapsed to form our solar system. The planets were forged as the nebula spun, jolted into motion by a nearby supernova, and in the center, the most rapid compression of particles ignited to become our sun. Around 4.5 billion years ago, a molten earth began to cool. Violent collisions with comets and asteroids brought the fluid of life – water – and the clouds and oceans began to take shape. It wasn’t until a billion years later that the first life was brought forth, filling the atmosphere with oxygen.
Over the next few billion years, single-celled organisms fused and became multicellular; body plans diversified and radiated, exploding into an array of invertebrates. Yet all this abundance and life was restricted to the seas, and a vast and bountiful land sat unused. Around 530 million years ago, there is evidence that centipede-like animals began to explore the world above water. Somewhere around 430 million years ago, plants and colonized the bare earth, creating a land rich in food and resources, while fish evolved from ancestral vertebrates in the sea. It was another 30 million years before those prehistoric fish crawled out of the water and began the evolutionary lineage we sit atop today. To understand life as we know it, we have to look back at where we came from, and understand how our ancestors braved a brand new world above the waves.
It was a small step for fish, but a giant leap for animalkind. Though, looking at modern fish species, it’s not so hard to envision the slow adaptation to life out of the sea. Just the other day, I was feeding my pet scorpionfish Stumpy, and he surprised me with this slow, deliberate crawl towards his food:

A number of fish exhibit traits which are not unlike those of the first tetrapods: the four-limbed vertebrates that first braved life on land, direct descendants of ancient fish. Many of Stumpy’s relatives, including the gurnards, are known for their “walking” behaviors. Similarly, mudskippers have adapted anatomically and behaviorally to survive on land. Not only can they use their fins to skip from place to place, they can breathe through their skin like amphibians do, allowing them to survive when they leave their shallow pools. Walking catfishes have modified their respiratory system so much that they can survive days out of water. But all of these are only glimpses at how the first tetrapods began, as none of these animals has fully adapted to life on land. To understand how tetrapods achieved such a feat, we must first understand the barriers that lay between their life under the sea and the land above that awaited them.
Living in air instead of water is fraught with difficulties. Locomotion is one problem, though as evolution in a number of lineages has shown, not as big a problem as you might think. Still, while mudskippers and catfish seem to walk with ease, the same cannot be said of our ancestors. Some of the earliest tetrapods, like Ichthyostega were quite cumbersome on land, and likely spent most of their time in the comfort of water. These first tetrapods came from an ancient lineages of fishes called the Sarcopterygii or Lobe-Finned Fish, of which only a few survive today. As the name implies, these animals have meaty, paddle-like fins instead of the flimsy rays of most modern day fish species. These lobe fins, covered with flesh, were ripe for adapting into limbs.
But these early tetrapods had to develop more than a new way to walk – their entire skeletons had to change to support more weight, as water supports mass in a way that air simply doesn’t. Each vertebrae had to become stronger for support. Ribs and vertebrae changed shape and evolved for extra support and to better distribute weight. Skulls disconnected, and necks evolved to allow better mobility of the head and to absorb the shock of walking. Bones were lost and shifted, streamlining the limbs and creating the five-digit pattern that is still reflected in our own hands and feet. Joints articulated for movement, and rotated forward to allow four-legged crawling. Overall, it took a long 30 million years or so to develop a body plan fit for walking on land.
At the same time, these cumbersome wanna-be land dwellers faced another obstacle: the air itself. With gills adept at drawing oxygen from water, early tetrapods were ill-equipped to breathing air. While many think that early tetrapods transformed their gills into lungs, this actually isn’t true – instead, it was the fish’s digestive system that adapted to form lungs. The first tetrapods to leave the water breathed by swallowing air and absorbing oxygen in their gut. Over time, a special pocket formed, allowing for better gas exchange. In many fish, a similar structure – called a swim bladder – exists which allows them to adjust buoyancy in the water, and thus many have hypothesized that tetrapod lungs are co-opted swim bladders. In fact, exactly when tetrapods developed lungs is unclear. While the only surviving relatives to early tetrapods – the lungfishes – also possess lungs (if their name didn’t give that away), many fossil tetrapods don’t seem to have them, suggesting that lungfish independently evolved their ability to breathe air. What we do know is that it wasn’t until around 360 million years ago that tetrapods truly breathed like their modern descendants.
The other trouble with air is that it tends to make things dry. You may have heard the statistic that our bodies are 98% water, but, as well-evolved land organisms, we have highly evolved structures which ensure that all that water doesn’t simply evaporate. The early tetrapods needed to develop these on their own. At first, like the amphibians that would arise from them, many tetrapods likely stuck to moist habitats to avoid water loss. But eventually, to conquer dry lands and deserts, animals had to find another way to keep themselves from drying out. It’s likely that many of the early tetrapods began experimenting with ways to waterproof their skin. Even more important was the issue of dry eggs. Amphibians solve the dryness issue by laying their eggs in water, but the tetrapods which conquered land didn’t have that luxury.
The solution to land’s dry nature was to encase eggs in a number of membrane layers, in what is now known as an amniote egg. Even our own children reflect this, as human babies still grow in an amniotic sac that surrounds the fetus, even though we no longer lay eggs. This crucial adaptation allowed animals to cut ties with watery habitats, and distinguishes the major lineage of tetrapods, including reptiles, birds and mammals, from amphibians.
These crucial adaptations to tetrapod skeletons and anatomy allowed them to conquer the world above the waves. Without their evolutionary ingenuity, a diverse set of animals, including all mammals, would not be where they are today. Yet still we barely understand the ecological settings that drove these early animals out of the sea. Did dry land offer an endless bounty of food not to be passed up? Perhaps, but there is evidence that our ancestors braved the dry world very early on, even before most terrestrial plants or insects, so it’s possible earth was barren. Were they escaping competition and predation in the deep? Or was land important for some yet undetermined reason? We may never know. But as we reflect upon our beginnings, we have to give credit to the daring animals that began the diverse evolutionary lineage we are a part of. While we may never understand why they left the water, we are thankful that they did.